On-demand learning
Studio workflows
How to Create a Bluebeam ID and Get Started with Studio Sessions and Projects
Explore Studio to collaborate wherever you are.
5-Minute Workflows: Document Management in Studio Projects
Use Studio Projects to manage your documents and collaborate around the world.
How to Collaborate in Real Time Using Studio Sessions
Collaborate on the same document in real-time using Studio Sessions.
Start Using Bluebeam for Architects
Get up to speed fast with this short introductory course to the tools you will use every day in Bluebeam.
23 min
How to Create Custom Measurement Captions
Create dynamic measurement captions with data from the Markups List.
Document Security and Verification
Keep your documents safe and secure with security & verification functions based on the PDF standard
1 Hour
Live Training: Collaborating with Bluebeam
Connect your work with Bluebeam Cloud and Studio
1 hour
How to Customize Keyboard Shortcuts
Use custom keyboard shortcuts to quickly access your most used tools.
Revu Einführungskurs
Erlernen Sie die erforderlichen Grundkenntnisse für einen sicheren Umgang mit Revu.
1 hr 24 min
Zusammenarbeiten mit Studio
In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Studio-Projekten Projekte in der Cloud verwalten und mit Studio-Sitzungen in Echtzeit mit Kolleg:innen zusammenarbeiten können.
45 Minuten
Erste Schritte mit Revu
In diesem kostenlosen Einführungskurs erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte für einen soliden Einstieg in die Nutzung von Bluebeam Revu.
35 minuten
Découverte de Bluebeam pour tous
Cette formation de bienvenue brève vous permettra de vous familiariser rapidement avec les outils que vous utiliserez tous les jours dans Bluebeam.
How to Overlay Pages
Find differences in documents as they are placed on separate, colored layers to highlight variation.
Hyperlinking & Places
Revu's linking functions make it easy to navigate and review drawings
25 Minutes
Working with Markup Tools
Learn how to use all of Revu's best-in-class markup tools and save them for later
1 hr 30 min
Drafting & Sketching
Use Revu to add more detail to existing drawings or create full sketches at scale
45 Minutes
Du möchtest eine Markierung auf einem Dokument erstellen? Hier erklären wir dir, wie das geht. Erfahre mehr über diese Funktion in Revu.
How to Automatically Hyperlink Drawings and Documents with Batch Link
Link an entire group of pages or documents.
How to Leverage Spaces to Organize and Track Markups
Once a Space has been defined, all markups added to that Space will be tracked in the Markups List.
Behöver du göra markeringar i ett dokument? Vi hjälper dig! Följ med oss och lär dig mer om den här funktionen i Revu.
How to Convert Scanned Documents into Searchable Text with OCR
Transform scanned PDFs into text-searchable and selectable files.
How to Edit Actions and Manage Hyperlinks in PDFs
Create dynamic, interactive PDFs with custom actions using hyperlinks.
How to Secure Your PDFs with Passwords and Custom Permissions
Apply passwords and permissions for file recipients.
Recertification Video Submission
Maintain your BCI certification status by getting recertified every three years.
In diesem Video sehen wir uns die PDF-Bearbeitung in Bluebeam Revu an.
I den här videon pratar vi om PDF-redigering i Bluebeam Revu.
Live Training: Studio Essentials
Collaborate on project files with Bluebeam Studio.
1 hour
How to Reduce File Sizes for Efficient Emailing and Storage
Compress large files to manageable files sizes in order to email or archive them.
Building Project Dashboards
Use project dashboards to organize and share documents easily with project partners.
2 hr
How to Bundle Multiple PDFs Into a Package
Bundle multiple PDFs in one container that allows easy access to many files.
How to Create New PDFs and Custom Templates
Create new PDFs and custom templates to reuse and share with your team.
How to Create Editable Bookmarks Using AutoMark for Efficient PDF Navigation
Create bookmarks automatically to jump to pages and places.
Cómo moverte por la lista de marcas en Bluebeam Revu
Descubramos nuevas formas de moverte por la lista de marcas en Bluebeam Revu.
How to Use Sets for Efficient PDF Management
Sets let you view, access and navigate an unlimited number of various source files as a single document in a single tab.
How to Use the Tool Chest
Save commonly used markups for easy reuse, and import or share tool sets with project partners.
How to Apply Actions to Search Results
Apply styling, highlights or other actions to results from a Text or Visual Search.
Field Distribution
Get your documents into the hands of the people on site that need them the most.
1 Hour
Issue Tracking
This two-hour course gives you the tools you need to prepare, identify, manage, and remain accountable for issues you encounter in the field.
2 hours
How to Search PDFs
Search for text and symbols within your document and apply actions to the results.
Spare Zeit und erledige Dokumentenvergleiche in Sekundenschnelle. Mit den neuesten Funktionen in Bluebeam Revu können wir Arbeitsabläufe vereinfachen und Aufgaben schneller denn je erledigen.
5-Minute Workflows: Quantity Takeoffs in Revu
Gain full control of your next quantity takeoff with the powerful tools in Revu.
Följ med oss och lär dig mer om Verktygslådan i Bluebeam Revu 21.
How to Use Sketch Tools to Add Scaled Objects to Your Drawings
Quickly add scaled objects to your drawings to use later.
How to Use Dynamic Fill
Quickly create Spaces, markups, and measurements all at once.
Cómo utilizar las herramientas de medición básicas en Bluebeam Revu
Conozcamos las herramientas de medición básicas disponibles en Bluebeam Revu.
How to Create Markup Summary Reports
Share and use data from your markups.
Bluebeam Cloud Basics | Bluebeam 101
Stay on top of collaborative tasks in Revu while in the field using Bluebeam Cloud
How to Multiply Markups
With the Multiply feature in Bluebeam Revu, you can create offset copies of markups and measurements.
How to Adjust Colors in PDF Documents with Color Processing
Manipulate the colors on your PDF.
How to Quickly Replace Content or Pages in Bulk Using Batch Slip Sheet
Replace content or pages in bulk.
How to Create and Use Custom Stamps
Create, edit and add stamps to documents to communicate important project information.
How to Create Custom Columns in the Markups List
Add customized columns to define additional data for your markups.
How to Flatten PDFs for Secure Document Sharing
Learn how to flatten PDFs in Bluebeam, ensuring annotations and markups are embedded for secure and finalized documents.
Lär dig mer om hur du använder Studio-sessioner i Bluebeam Revu!
How to View and Organize your PDFs in File Access
Pin, organize, preview and reopen PDF files with a single click.
How to Customize Your Interface with Profiles
Optimize your Bluebeam interface by creating custom Profiles to fit your specific workflows and preferences.
So verwendest du grundlegende Messwerkzeuge in Bluebeam Revu
Lass uns mehr über die grundlegenden Messwerkzeuge erfahren, die in Bluebeam Revu verfügbar sind.
Measurement Tools for Takeoffs and Estimates
Work with measurement tools and create a reusable tool set for future bids
1 hr 30 min
So navigierst du die Benutzeroberfläche von Bluebeam Revu
Heute zeigen wir dir, wie du die Benutzeroberfläche von Bluebeam Revu navigierst!
File Access
Funktionen File Access är viktig för att få ut så mycket som möjligt av Revu. Idag tittar vi närmare på hur du utnyttjar den här funktionen.
Comment utiliser le remplissage dynamique dans Bluebeam Revu
Découvrez l’outil de remplissage dynamique dans Bluebeam Revu !
How to Use Quantity Link for Efficient Bid Calculations
Seamlessly link measurement totals from multiple PDFs to Excel® worksheets for automatic bid calculations.
How to Use Measurement Cutouts
Remove areas from an existing area or volume measurement to create more accurate measurements.
How to Create and Use Digital Signatures
Learn how to create and use digital signatures to ensure the validity of a signed document.
Revu Drawing Management Basics | Bluebeam 101
Learn how to clean up your files and file organization with this short 30-minute recorded webinar
Cómo utilizar el relleno dinámico en Bluebeam Revu
Obtén más información sobre la herramienta de relleno dinámico en Bluebeam Revu.
How to Embed Multimedia in Markups and Export Using Capture
Embed and export images and videos to markups.
So nutzt du die dynamische Füllung in Bluebeam Revu
Erfahre mehr über das Werkzeug „Dynamische Füllung“ in Bluebeam Revu!
Document Management - Studio Projects
Manage projects in the cloud with Studio Projects
30 Minutes
Så använder du grundläggande mätverktyg i Bluebeam Revu
Vi visar dig de grundläggande mätverktyg som ingår i Bluebeam Revu.
Revu Measurement Basics | Bluebeam 101
Save time in your quantity takeoff workflow by watching this on-demand webinar.
Revu Markup Basics | Bluebeam 101
Learn how to get the most out of Markup Tools in Revu in this quick 30-minute recorded webinar
Form Editing & Creation
PDF forms allow you to easily collect data. Review lets you enter data and create your own forms.
40 min
Real-Time Collaboration - Studio Sessions
Collaborate live with others using Studio Sessions
50 Minutes
Takeoff Data and Industry Workflows
Use the measurement data you compiled to create the most effective bids
1 hr
Comment utiliser les outils de mesure basiques dans Bluebeam Revu
Découvrez les outils de mesure basiques disponibles dans Bluebeam Revu.
The Markups List and Markup Data
Get the most out of every markup in your drawings by tracking and adding even more data in the Markups List
30 Minutes
How to Use Markups in Bluebeam Revu
Add customizable markups such as text, highlights, clouds, callouts, stamps, and more to your documents.
Revu Interface and Navigating Documents
Explore the Revu interface, customize it to your needs, and learn how to navigate and open documents efficiently.
1 Hour
How-to: Markup Legends
Provide a key for the markup tools added to your documents. Add it your tools for easy reuse later. The legend updates when new markups from the legend are added to the page.
Government ePlan Review for Intake Administrators
Learn how to complete a Government ePlan Review Workflow using Bluebeam as an administrator.
6 Courses
Hier erfährst du, wie du Seiten mit Bluebeam Revu überlagern kannst. In diesem Video zeigen wir dir, wie du die Funktion „Überlagerungsseiten“ optimal nutzt!
Erfahre mehr über den Werkzeugkasten in Bluebeam Revu 21.
How-to use Bluebeam Microsoft Plugin
Create PDFs from documents you have created in Microsoft Office programs.
How to Navigate the Interface
Explore the Bluebeam Revu interface and get acquainted with the different work areas and tools.
Så navigerar du i gränssnittet i Bluebeam Revu
Idag visar vi dig hur du navigerar i gränssnittet i Bluebeam Revu!
Cómo calibrar planos en Bluebeam Revu
Te enseñaremos la forma más fácil de calibrar planos en Bluebeam Revu.
File Access
File Access ist eine wichtige Komponente von Revu, die dir zahlreiche Vorteile bringt. Heute befassen wir uns mit der Nutzung dieser Funktion
So werden Pläne in Bluebeam Revu kalibriert
Wir zeigen dir die einfachste Möglichkeit, Pläne in Bluebeam Revu zu kalibrieren.
Multiplicera markeringar i Bluebeam Revu 21
Med funktionen Multiplicera i Bluebeam Revu kan du skapa kopior av markeringar och mätningar. I den här videon beskriver vi den här spännande funktionen i Revu 21 med Bluebeam University.
How to Create Custom Columns with Formulas in the Markups List
Create custom columns using data from the Markups List.
Collaborating with Studio
This course will help you manage projects in the cloud with Studio Projects and collaborate with stakeholders live, using Studio Sessions.
45 min
How to Create and Manage Custom Statuses for Markup Tracking
Clearly identify markups with different states of completion.
How to Use Markup Actions and Sequencing
Add reusable actions to markups and create annotations that auto-increment each time they are placed onto a PDF.
Så kalibrerar du ritningar i Bluebeam Revu
Vi visar dig det enklaste sättet att kalibrera ritningar i Bluebeam Revu.
Bluebeam Certified Professional Exam
Validate your knowledge of Revu concepts by taking the Bluebeam Certified Professional exam, and earn a badge to showcase your accomplishment.
$89 USD
$89 USD
How to Use Basic Measurement Tools
Built-in tools make it easy to take essential measurements like length and area.
Erfahre mehr über den Zugriff auf Studio-Sitzungen mit Bluebeam Revu.
Drawing Management
Edit, manipulate, create, process, and manage documents and forms.
6 Courses
Multiplizieren von Markierungen
Mit der Funktion „Multiplizieren“ in Bluebeam Revu können Sie Kopien von Markierungen und Messungen erstellen.
Comment naviguer dans l’interface de Bluebeam Revu
Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous montrer comment naviguer dans l’interface de Bluebeam Revu !
How to Use Tags to Efficiently Manage Sets and Generate Drawing Logs
Use tags to create, configure and manage Sets.
Överlagra sidor
Lär dig hur du överlagrar sidor med Bluebeam Revu. I den här videon får du lära dig att utnyttja funktionen Överlagra sidor maximalt!
Government ePlan Review for Plan Reviewers
Learn how to complete a Government ePlan Review using Bluebeam as a plan reviewer.
2 Courses
Erstellen von benutzerdefinierten Messungsbeschriftungen
In Bluebeam Revu können Sie dynamische Messungsbeschriftungen auf Basis von Daten aus der Markierungsliste anpassen.
Comment calibrer les dessins dans Bluebeam Revu
Nous allons vous montrer la manière la plus simple de calibrer des dessins dans Bluebeam Revu.
Processing Document Content
Use various functions of Revu to access more data from your content and set them up for easier editing
1 hr 30 min
Så här använder du dynamisk fyllning i Bluebeam Revu
Vill du lära dig mer om verktyget Dynamisk fyllning i Bluebeam Revu?
Comment évuluer dans la liste des marquages
Découvrez de nouvelles façons de naviguer dans la liste des marquages dans Bluebeam Revu !
Skapa anpassade rubriker för mätningar
I Bluebeam Revu kan du skapa dynamiska rubriker för dina mätningar med data från markeringslistan. Vi lär oss tillsammans!
How to View and Edit 3D PDFs
View, edit and manipulate 3D PDFs to provide even more detail.
How to Customize Markups
Customize the appearance and properties of your markups to add clarity to your communication.
Jämför dokument
Spara tid på dokumentjämförelser – från minuter till sekunder. Med de senaste funktionerna i Bluebeam Revu förenklas arbetsflödena så att de går snabbare än någonsin.
Studio Basics | Bluebeam 101
Learn how to utilize cloud-based collaboration tools with Studio Sessions and Projects.
Start Using Bluebeam for Engineers
Get up to speed fast with this short introductory course to the tools you will use every day in Bluebeam.
35 min
Bluebeam Certified Instructor Recertification Program
Validate your ongoing excellence in delivering exceptional instruction and gain exclusive access to the latest Bluebeam Certified resources by maintaining your BCI certification.
$600 USD
2 Courses
How to Edit PDF Content
Edit the PDF content in text in published PDFs, modifying it, moving it or erasing it all together.
How to Replicate Markup Properties with Format Painter
Save time by replicating or copying markup properties.
Bluebeam Certified Instructor
Get certified to deliver exceptional training and empower others in Bluebeam software.
$3,000 USD
2 Courses
Så navigerar du i markeringslistan i Bluebeam Revu
Upptäck nya sätt att navigera i markeringslistan i Bluebeam Revu!
How to Create Interactive PDF Forms
Create and distribute PDF forms with text fields, buttons, check and list boxes, digital signature fields and more.
Samarbete i Studio
Den här kursen hjälper dig att hantera projekt i molnet med Studio-projekt och använda Studio-sessioner för att samarbeta live med intressenter.
60 minuter
Revu Essentials (Svenska)
Skaffa de baskunskaper du behöver för att använda Revu effektivt.
90 minuter
Kom igång med Revu!
Den här KOSTNADSFRIA introduktionskursen hjälper dig att komma igång med Bluebeam Revu.
35 minuter
Start Using Bluebeam for Estimators
Get up to speed fast with this short introductory course to the tools you will use every day in Bluebeam.
31 min
Start Using Bluebeam for Project Managers Tier 3
Dive deeper into the capabilities of Bluebeam with this final onboarding course for Project Managers.
16 min
Start Using Bluebeam for Project Managers Tier 2
Learn more of the tools you'll need to get the job done faster and more efficiently.
16 min
Live Training: Quantity Takeoff
Ensure the most accurate measurements and estimates with takeoff tools.
2 hours
Live Training: Bluebeam 101 Webinars
Short 30-minute webinars to get up to speed with Bluebeam.
30 min
Document Editing and Manipulation
Edit the structure and content of your document, manipulating pages and accessing information for better organization
40 Minutes
Découverte de Bluebeam pour les chefs de projet niveau 3
Apprenez-en plus sur les outils dont vous aurez besoin pour accomplir votre travail plus rapidement et plus efficacement.
Découverte de Bluebeam pour les architectes
Cette formation de bienvenue brève vous permettra de vous familiariser rapidement avec les outils que vous utiliserez tous les jours dans Bluebeam.
Découverte de Bluebeam pour les ingénieurs
Cette formation de bienvenue brève vous permettra de vous familiariser rapidement avec les outils que vous utiliserez tous les jours dans Bluebeam.
Découverte de Bluebeam pour les chefs de projet niveau 1
Cette formation de bienvenue brève vous permettra de vous familiariser rapidement avec les outils que vous utiliserez tous les jours dans Bluebeam.
Découverte de Bluebeam pour les chefs de projet niveau 2
Apprenez-en plus sur les outils dont vous aurez besoin pour accomplir votre travail plus rapidement et plus efficacement.
Scale and Calibration
Set the scale of your documents to ensure the most accurate measurements
1 Hour
How to Calibrate Drawings
Set the scale of your drawing so that measuring and sketching can be done properly.
Start Using Bluebeam for Project Managers Tier 1
Get up to speed fast with this short introductory course to the tools you will use every day in Bluebeam.
24 min
Revu Essentials
Learn the essential skills you need to confidently use Revu.
1 hr 30 min
Quantity Takeoff
Ensure the most accurate measurements and estimates with takeoff tools.
3 Courses
Découverte de Bluebeam pour les estimateurs
Cette formation de bienvenue brève vous permettra de vous familiariser rapidement avec les outils que vous utiliserez tous les jours dans Bluebeam.
Cómo moverte por la interfaz en Bluebeam Revu
Hoy te enseñaremos a moverte por la interfaz de Bluebeam Revu.
Collaborative Review
Track markups, collaborate live, and use content-aware processing and editing tools.
6 Courses
How To Compare Documents
Compare two documents, clouding any differences and placing the results in the Markups List.
Field Issues
Track, identify, and distribute field issue information.
4 Courses
Live Training: Revu Essentials
Learn the essential skills you need to confidently use Revu.
2 hours
Start Using Bluebeam for Everyone
Get up to speed fast with this short introductory course to the tools you will use every day in Bluebeam.
24 min
How to Navigate the Markups List
Manage and track markups that can be filtered, searched, imported and exported.
Bluebeam Certified Professional Exam Study Guide
Equip yourself with essential knowledge, practical exercises, and exam topics to successfully prepare for the Bluebeam Certified Professional exam.
Review Resubmittals in the Studio Session
During this phase of the workflow, you will review drawings in a resubmittal against the previously submitted drawings to ensure that all comments have been addressed.
Review Initial Submittals in a Studio Session
During this phase of the workflow, you will review the drawings to ensure they meet your municipality's code requirements for permit issuance.
Finish the Studio Session
During this phase you will close the Studio Session and save the files to your Document Management System.
Plans That Require Resubmittal
If drawings have comments that need to be addressed by the applicant, you'll prepare a resubmittal package that you'll send back to the applicant.
Intake and Initial Review
This first phase of government ePlan review involves the initial intake of permit applicant drawings and a quick review to ensure they meet minimum requirements.
Moving Plans to Final Approval
During this final phase of the workflow, plans will be stamped as approved, and permits will be issued.
Prepare Drawings for Review
Before the drawings are reviewed, there are a few steps you'll take to ensure they are formatted correctly.
20 min
Preparing the Studio Session for Reviewers
During this phase of the workflow, you will create a Studio Session, upload drawings, adjust Session settings, and invite attendees who will review the drawings.
Bluebeam Certified Instructor
Bluebeam Certified Instructors have demonstrated their mastery in Revu and are equipped to train others as a Bluebeam expert.
Review Resubmittals in the Studio Session
During this phase of the workflow, you will review drawings in a resubmittal against the previously submitted drawings to ensure that all comments have been addressed.
Review Initial Submittals in a Studio Session
During this phase of the workflow, you will review the drawings to ensure they meet your municipality's code requirements for permit issuance.
Bluebeam Certified Professional Exam
Validate your knowledge of Revu concepts by taking the Bluebeam Certified Professional exam, and earn a badge to showcase your accomplishment.
$89 USD
$89 USD
Recertification Video Submission
Maintain your BCI certification status by getting recertified every three years.
Document Management - Studio Projects
Manage projects in the cloud with Studio Projects
30 Minutes
Form Editing & Creation
PDF forms allow you to easily collect data. Review lets you enter data and create your own forms.
40 min
Processing Document Content
Use various functions of Revu to access more data from your content and set them up for easier editing
1 hr 30 min
Building Project Dashboards
Use project dashboards to organize and share documents easily with project partners.
2 hr
Document Editing and Manipulation
Edit the structure and content of your document, manipulating pages and accessing information for better organization
40 Minutes
Drafting & Sketching
Use Revu to add more detail to existing drawings or create full sketches at scale
45 Minutes
Real-Time Collaboration - Studio Sessions
Collaborate live with others using Studio Sessions
50 Minutes
Document Management - Studio Projects
Manage projects in the cloud with Studio Projects
30 Minutes
Form Editing & Creation
PDF forms allow you to easily collect data. Review lets you enter data and create your own forms.
40 min
Processing Document Content
Use various functions of Revu to access more data from your content and set them up for easier editing
1 hr 30 min
The Markups List and Markup Data
Get the most out of every markup in your drawings by tracking and adding even more data in the Markups List
30 Minutes
Working with Markup Tools
Learn how to use all of Revu's best-in-class markup tools and save them for later
1 hr 30 min
Finish the Studio Session
During this phase you will close the Studio Session and save the files to your Document Management System.
Plans That Require Resubmittal
If drawings have comments that need to be addressed by the applicant, you'll prepare a resubmittal package that you'll send back to the applicant.
Intake and Initial Review
This first phase of government ePlan review involves the initial intake of permit applicant drawings and a quick review to ensure they meet minimum requirements.
Moving Plans to Final Approval
During this final phase of the workflow, plans will be stamped as approved, and permits will be issued.
Prepare Drawings for Review
Before the drawings are reviewed, there are a few steps you'll take to ensure they are formatted correctly.
20 min
Preparing the Studio Session for Reviewers
During this phase of the workflow, you will create a Studio Session, upload drawings, adjust Session settings, and invite attendees who will review the drawings.
Bluebeam Certified Instructor
Bluebeam Certified Instructors have demonstrated their mastery in Revu and are equipped to train others as a Bluebeam expert.
Bluebeam Certified Professional Exam
Validate your knowledge of Revu concepts by taking the Bluebeam Certified Professional exam, and earn a badge to showcase your accomplishment.
$89 USD
$89 USD
Issue Tracking
This two-hour course gives you the tools you need to prepare, identify, manage, and remain accountable for issues you encounter in the field.
2 hours
Building Project Dashboards
Use project dashboards to organize and share documents easily with project partners.
2 hr
Document Management - Studio Projects
Manage projects in the cloud with Studio Projects
30 Minutes
Field Distribution
Get your documents into the hands of the people on site that need them the most.
1 Hour
Takeoff Data and Industry Workflows
Use the measurement data you compiled to create the most effective bids
1 hr
Measurement Tools for Takeoffs and Estimates
Work with measurement tools and create a reusable tool set for future bids
1 hr 30 min
Scale and Calibration
Set the scale of your documents to ensure the most accurate measurements
1 Hour
Review Resubmittals in the Studio Session
During this phase of the workflow, you will review drawings in a resubmittal against the previously submitted drawings to ensure that all comments have been addressed.
Review Initial Submittals in a Studio Session
During this phase of the workflow, you will review the drawings to ensure they meet your municipality's code requirements for permit issuance.
Finish the Studio Session
During this phase you will close the Studio Session and save the files to your Document Management System.
Plans That Require Resubmittal
If drawings have comments that need to be addressed by the applicant, you'll prepare a resubmittal package that you'll send back to the applicant.
Intake and Initial Review
This first phase of government ePlan review involves the initial intake of permit applicant drawings and a quick review to ensure they meet minimum requirements.
Moving Plans to Final Approval
During this final phase of the workflow, plans will be stamped as approved, and permits will be issued.
Prepare Drawings for Review
Before the drawings are reviewed, there are a few steps you'll take to ensure they are formatted correctly.
20 min
Preparing the Studio Session for Reviewers
During this phase of the workflow, you will create a Studio Session, upload drawings, adjust Session settings, and invite attendees who will review the drawings.
Bluebeam Certified Instructor
Bluebeam Certified Instructors have demonstrated their mastery in Revu and are equipped to train others as a Bluebeam expert.